Entries by Staff Writer

50+ BAM Job Opportunities Around the World

Each quarter we post an updated list of BAM Job Opportunities on The BAM Review. Welcome to the February 2019 Edition (with updates on 27th March & 11th April). March & April Updates:   NEW: Trip Facilitator – Resort in SE Asia For those seeking to have a positive impact and create successful group experiences through […]

40+ BAM Job Opportunities Around the World

Each quarter we post an updated list of BAM Job Opportunities on The BAM Review. Welcome to the November Edition BAM Company Jobs   Consulting Manager – Karisimbi Business Partners in Rwanda Karisimbi Business Partners (KBP) is a socially motivated management consulting and investment services firm focused on mid-market enterprise development. Delivering solutions for the challenges […]

10 Guiding Principles for Business as Mission

Read this classic blog from our Archives, an excerpt from the Lausanne Occasional Paper on Business as Mission. ___ A good business as mission business will, by definition, have many of the characteristics of any well-run business. A kingdom business must be profitable and sustainable just as any other business. Integrity, fairness and excellent customer service […]

30+ BAM Job Opportunities Around the World

Each quarter we post an updated list of BAM Job Opportunities on The BAM Review. Welcome to the August Edition BAM Company Jobs General Manager – Gifts/Fashion Company in Southeast Asia A social enterprise created to disrupt the cycle of poverty is seeking a General Manager.  The company trains women from low-income backgrounds to produce high quality […]

30+ BAM Job Opportunities Around the World

  BAM Company Jobs Various Positions – Khalibre, Software Development in Cambodia Khalibre is a social enterprise delivering eLearning, enterprise business technology solutions and social collaboration globally. If you are experienced in software then drop us a line and let’s talk about how we can work together contact@khalibre.com. Senior UX/UI Designer: Guided by business objectives, user needs, […]

BAM Job Opportunities

BAM Company Jobs   Business As Mission Resource Team Internship – Thailand and Cambodia Six month contract (April 2018 to September 2018) working for the Business as Mission Resource Team on 2 key projects: BAM Summer and BAM Conference 2018. Responsibilities include communications, logistics, internship oversight for BAM Summer students. Time will be spent working […]

BAM Job Opportunities in Asia and Europe

BAM Company Jobs   Director of Construction Management – Construction Company in South Asia This construction company was established in the 1960’s by two engineers from Britain and directly employs approximately 35 staff. It seeks to model Christian service in a very challenging environment. The company is hiring a Director of Construction Management to be […]

7 Fruitful Practices for BAM and Church Planting

BAM companies are usually very diverse, each business with its own unique features. However, through research into real experiences of BAM and Church Planting, some shared commonalities emerged in the following fruitful practices: 1. Contact Make sure that the business provides regular contact with the focus people. Intentionally create a business that provides regular contact with those with […]

A Journey into Freedom Business: One Woman’s Pre-BAM Story

While many of our readers are post-business plan, trying to figure how to fully implement what’s on that sacred document – making payroll, brokering deals, marketing to clients etc. – there are many other readers still in the ‘dreaming phase’. Perhaps seeds were planted years ago that left a deep imprint on their purpose and direction […]

BAM Job Opportunities in Central Asia, South Asia & Southeast Asia

BAM Company Jobs Managing Director – Medical Device Manufacturer in South Asia We are looking for a Managing Director at our manufacturing company located in South Asia which is part of a group of companies with an international presence in the US, Europe & China operating in the medical device industry. The Managing Director will oversee the entire company and have […]

Really! Work is Worship

by Patrick Lai The Hebrew word “avodah” (ah-vod-ah) is translated in the English Bible for both work and worship. A better English translation when referring to work is service. God receives work as worship done unto Him. Put simply: work is worship. The similarity between the two clarifies that in God’s eyes our work is worship in […]

7 Markers for a Kingdom Business: A Framework for Entrepreneurs

by Courtney Rountree Mills A quick framework to help entrepreneurs learn how to integrate their faith life with their business life in a practical way. Let’s face it. Life is hard enough as an entrepreneur. The whole world always seems to be resting on your shoulders. The pressure to succeed is immense. After all, if you […]

BAM Job and Training Opportunities in Asia

BAM Company Jobs Software Developer / Business Partner – IT Company in Nepal We are looking for a software developer / business partner to join a company with 4 current shareholders. We produce a product that manages pharmaceutical supply chains in developing countries. We have an office in Kathmandu with about 10 Nepali staff, 5 of whom […]

How They Got Started: 3 Different Routes into Business as Mission

From Dream to Island Reality: Samantha At the tender age of nine, rather than dreaming of make-believe castles and glass slippers, Samantha dreamed about living her life on a certain archipelago in Asia. After college Samantha spent a year in China teaching English then returned to the States to get her Master’s degree in Teaching […]

The Opportunities and Challenges for BAM In and From China

China’s economic growth of eight to ten percent annually for the last twenty years, creates an ideal commercial environment for business as mission within China. There are many opportunities for doing business and large amounts of foreign investment available. At the same time, as one BAM practitioner in China has noted, “China has one of […]

BAM Job Opportunities in Nepal and Southeast Asia

BAM Company Jobs Software Developer / Business Partner – IT Company in Nepal We are looking for a software developer / business partner to join a company with 4 current shareholders. We produce a product that manages pharmaceutical supply chains in developing countries. We have an office in Kathmandu with about 10 Nepali staff, 5 of whom […]

Laboring in the Dark: BAM in Iran

Iran is an extremely hostile environment for any endeavor that is not instigated and controlled by the Islamic Government and its sympathizers. This creates significant challenges for the Christian Community to create and operate businesses that promote Biblical values. In addition, due to the xenophobia of the Islamic Government and the imposition of International Sanctions, it […]

Growing a Kingdom-Minded Business Community in Indonesia

Kingdom Business Community (KBC) is a network for Christian business people in Indonesia. Describing itself as a marketplace ministry movement with ‘business as mission’ concerns, it is one of the largest networks of mission-focused business people in the world. KBC began in 2005 with 10 couples of business friends from the same church who dreamed […]

The Final Frontier? BAM in Mongolia

Mongolia is seen as the “Final Frontier” for many people. It stirs up images of the horse herds that still run free across her open steppes. From the harsh arid climate of the Gobi Desert in the south, to the pristine lakes in the frozen north that border Russia’s Siberia, the climate has forged a […]

Paying Taxes with a Mountain of Cash: A Taxing Story!

Death and taxes, though often said to be the only sure things in life, are not often a source of amusement. However, here is a funny story from one tourism business in Asia that had to pay their taxes the hard way. Three years after opening their tourism business, the department of tourism finally created […]

After the Tsunami: Business on the Edge

Little did James know just how strategically God had placed him fourteen years prior to the adversity that rocked multiple countries and millions of people when the 2004 tsunami hit Asia. As the ocean bulldozed its way through the coastline, sparing nothing in its path, so came a flood of both urgent and long-term needs. […]

BAM Job Opportunities in Asia and Africa

BAM Company Jobs Project Manager – Software Development Company in Vietnam We are an IT outsourcing company located in SE Asia and are currently looking to hire a Project Manager to join our growing team. This person will help us plan, schedule and control all project activities to ensure project requirements are met, and provide leadership while building positive […]