So That They May See your Good Works and Give Glory to your Father in Heaven
by Larry Sharp
Read Part 1 of this two part series here

Toward a BAM “Kingdom of God Purpose and Impact” with a Secret Start
by Larry Sharp
Part of the working definition of business as…

What Kind of Entrepreneur was Paul the Apostle?
by Min-Dong Paul Lee and Dave Pederson, Wheaton College

The Mindset of a BAMer: Lessons from Paul the Apostle
by Min-Dong Paul Lee and Dave Pederson, Wheaton College

The Apostle Paul: An Entrepreneurial Steward
by Min-Dong Paul Lee and Dave Pederson, Wheaton College

Adding Salt: How to Build and Manage Teams That Work
by Bernie Anderson
My name is Bernie Anderson and I have the…

Marketing and Generosity: Sales and Solutions for Human Flourishing
by Bernie Anderson
My name is Bernie Anderson and I have the…

Setting a Course: How to Clarify Vision and Implement Strategy for BAM Pioneers
by Bernie Anderson
My name is Bernie Anderson and I have the…

7 Creative Ways that Practitioners Integrate Business and Mission
Read this classic blog from our Archives, first published on…

Stewarding a Fruitful and Balanced Life: Questions for Self-Evaluation
by Jeff Hostetter & Evan Keller of Creating Jobs Inc

Seven Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Coach
by Larry Sharp
When I was a collegiate hockey player, it never…

Five Essential Reminders if you are Managing a Crisis
by Larry Sharp
I was responsible for matters related to a crisis…

Business Response Plan: From Intensive Care to Recovery
In Part 1 of this blog, we identified four stages you can take…

Three Things I Learned During the Epidemic of 1974 That Apply to BAM in the Pandemic of 2020
by Larry Sharp
In the early 1970's I was living, along with…

Moving From Anxiety to Freedom as a Kingdom Entrepreneur
by Stu Minshew
Fear vs. Anxiety
Restless nights, imagining…

Entrepreneur Mental Wellness Needs a New Story
by Stu Minshew
The Big Problem
As a global society,…

Procurement and Technology Through a Spiritual Lens
by Ross O'Brien
In this series of blog posts, we have been looking…

The Role of Business Leadership Through a Spiritual Lens
by Ross O'Brien
This article picks up where we left off last…

Practicing Jubilee Through Entrepreneurship
by Stu Minshew
Last week, I shared how Michael Rhodes and Robby…

How Startup Success Starts with You
by Stu Minshew
Highlights from the Archives
Success Starts…

Workplace Relationships: Loving Your Employees
by Michael Thiessen
As a business owner, you provide many amazing…

God in Your Foundational Statements
by Dave Kahle
There is a certain power and attractiveness that…

Pride, Humility, and Failure
by Dave Kahle
Remember John Delorean? He was the superstar…

7 Creative Ways that Practitioners Integrate Business and Mission
A defining characteristic of a BAM company is that it intentionally…

6 Ways to Build Trust for Greater Impact
by Larry Sharp
In early 2016 I picked up a copy of the The…

Second in Command
by Larry Sharp
Business as Mission (BAM) narratives oftentimes…

Flying Fish: Lessons I Learned from a Risk Taker
by Larry Sharp
I was recently driving through Tucson, Arizona…

Want to Change the World? Make Disciples
by Joyce Ahn
In response to millennials being labelled noncommittal,…

Are You Really a Second-Class Christian?
by Dave Kahle
For much of my Christian life, I've struggled…

Are Our Beliefs Stunting Our Businesses?
by Dave Kahle
“For my whole life, I was led to believe that…