Business as Mission Bibliography
Last updated: November 2024
Adams, B., & Raithatha, M. (2012). Building the kingdom through business: A mission strategy for the 21st century world. Watford, UK: Instant Apostle.
Albright, B. (2014). When business is the mission: A study of faith-based social business in sub-Saharan Africa. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 4.
Alvord, S., Brown, D., & Letts, W. (2004). Social entrepreneurship and societal transformation: An exploratory study. Journal of applied behavioral science, 40(3), 260-282.
Anonymous. (2013). Transformational development: Lessons from central Asia. Evangelical missions quarterly, 49(1), 64-70.
Austin, J., Stevenson, H., & Wei-Skillern, J. (2006). Social and commercial entrepreneurship: Same, different, or both? Entrepreneurship theory and & practice, 30(1), 1-22.
Baer, M. (2006). Business as mission: The power of business in the kingdom of God. Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing.
Baer, M. (2015). Gospel entrepreneur: Starting a kingdom business. Kindle e-book.
Baer, M. (2015). 2IC: Business as mission for the rest of us. Kindle e-book.
Bailey, Stephen. (2007). Is business as mission honest? Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 42(3), 368-372.
Bailey, T. (2020). A quasi-experimental study of socio-economic effects of social enterprise vocational and education training programs in Myanmar. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 6.
Baker, D. (2003). William Carey and the business model for mission. In J. Bonk (Ed.), Between Past and Future: Evangelical Mission Entering the Twenty-First Century (pp. 168-202). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Baker, D. (2006). Missional geometry: Plotting the coordinates of business as mission. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as Mission: From Impoverished to Empowered (pp. 37-64). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
BAM Global (2014-2024). BAM Global Think Tank [Report series].
Bas (pseudonym) (2012). BAM in the Arab world. St. Francis Magazine, 8(1), 16-21.
Bates, M. J. (2011). An inductive study on how business as mission entrepreneurs decide to start businesses. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 1.
Bates, M. J. (2015). Why business as mission entrepreneurs decided to go into business. Business journal for entrepreneurs, 2015(1), 78-106.
Beech, C. (2018). Faith-based social entrepreneurship: The integration of faith and business for sustainable social impact” Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 5.
Befus, D. (2002). Kingdom business: The ministry of promoting economic development. Miami, FL: Latin America Mission.
Befus, D. (2005). Where there are no jobs: Enterprise solutions for employment and public goods for the poor. Miami, FL: Latin America Mission.
Befus, D. (2010). Kingdom business revisited: The Case of Northern Colombia. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 45(2), 158-164.
Befus, D. (2013). Business education and microenterprise revisited: Productivity, entrepreneurship, and job creation. Christian Business Academy Review, 8, 115-121.
Borquist, B. (2020). The context and enactment of faith-based social entrepreneurship. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 7.
Bronkema, D., & Brown, C. (2009). Business as mission through the lens of development: Transformation, 26(2), 82-88.
Bussau, D., & Mask, R. (2003). Christian microenterprise development: An introduction. Waynesboro, GA: Regnum Books.
Chan, K., & Yamamori, T. (2002). Holistic entrepreneurs in China: A Handbook on the world trade organization and the new opportunities for Christians. Pasadena, CA: William Carey International University Press.
Chewning, R. (2012). Augustine and Aquinas: Their theological progeny come face to face with “business as mission.” Journal of biblical integration in business, 15(2), 64-101 (including responses).
Childs, J. (2012). The future of BAM in the academy. The Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 15(1), 88–97.
Christensen, D. (1997). Training: Endurance food for serious tentmakers. International journal of frontier missions, 14(3), 133-138.
Christiansen, L. (2008). Faith-based social entrepreneurship: Business as mission. Unpublished master’s thesis, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Clark, R. (2021). Faith-based social entrepreneurial orientation: A case study of evangelicals. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 8.
Corbett, S., & Fikkert, B. (2009). When helping hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor…and Yourself. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers.
Cox, J. (1997). The tentmaking movement in historical perspective. International journal of frontier missions, 14(3), 111-117.
Danker, W. (2002). Profit for the Lord. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Dearborn, T. (2014). Business as a holy calling?: A workbook for Christians in business and their pastors. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
Dearborn, T., & Shore, C. (2006). Doing Business in the kingdom of God. Monrovia, CA: World Vision.
Dees, G. (1998). Enterprising nonprofits. Harvard business review, 76(1), 54-67.
Dees, G., Emerson, J. & Economy P. (2001). Enterprising nonprofits: A toolkit for social entrepreneurs. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Eikenberry, M., & Kluver, D. (2004). The marketization of the non-profit sector: Civil society at risk? Public administration review, 64(2), 132-140.
Eldred, K. (2005). God is at work: Transforming people and nations through business. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.
Eldred, K. (2010). The integrated life: Experience the powerful advantage of integrating faith and work. Montrose, CO: Manna Ventures.
Emerson, J. (2003). The blended value proposition: Integrating social and financial returns. California management review, 45(4), 35-51.
English, D. (2001). Paul’s secret: A 1st-century strategy for a 21st century world. World Christian, 14(3), 22-26.
Ewert, N. (1992). The role of business enterprise in Christian mission. Transformation, 9(1), 7-14.
Ewert, N. (2006) God’s kingdom purpose for business: Business as integral mission. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 19-36). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Fruchterman, J. (2011). For love or lucre. Stanford social innovation review, 9(2), 41-47.
Gillespie, T., & Lucas, T. (2012). Blurring the boundaries: Emerging legal forms for hybrid organizations, implications for Christian social entrepreneurs. The journal of biblical integration in business, 15(1), 11-28.
Ginter, G. (1998). Overcoming resistance through tentmaking in Woodberry, J. Dudley (Ed.) Reaching the resistant: Barriers and bridges for mission. (pp. 209-218). EMS Series #6. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Goheem, W. (2004). The Galtronics Story. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Golden, K., Hewitt, A., & McBane, M. (2010). Social entrepreneurship: Social impact metrics. MaRS White Paper Series.
Gort, G., & Tunehag, M. (2018). BAM global movement: Business as mission, concepts and stories. Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers.
Greer, P., & Smith, P. (2009). The poor will be glad: Joining the revolution to lift the world out of poverty. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Grenz, S. (1999). God’s business: A foundation for Christian mission in the marketplace. Crux, 35(1), 19-25.
Griffiths, B., & Tan, K. (2007). Fighting poverty through enterprise: The case for social venture capital. Ashford, Kent: Anchor Recordings.
Grudem, W. (2003). Business for the glory of God. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Guthrie, S. (2000). Tentmaking. In Missions in the third millennium: 21 key trends for the 21st century. (pp. 117-122). Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster Press.
Hamilton, D. (1987). Tentmakers speak: Practical advice from over 400 missionary tentmakers. Duarte, CA: TMQ Research.
Hamoen, H. (2022). Doing business with God: Inspiring stories about the history, essence, and approach of business as mission. Amersfoort, Netherlands: Inside Out Publishers.
Higginson, R. (2012). Faith, hope and the global economy: A power for good. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Hock, R. (1979). The workshop as a social setting for Paul’s missionary preaching. The catholic biblical quarterly, 14(3), 439-450.
Hoksbergen, R. (2009). Transformational development: The role of Christian NGOs in SME development. In S. Rundle (Ed.), Economic justice in a flat world: Christian perspectives on globalization (pp. 201-222). Colorado Springs, CO: Paternoster Publishing Co.
Interserve International (2012). Business as mission – Task force report. St. Francis Magazine, 8(1), 33-51.
Interserve International (2012). Business as mission – Best practice guidelines. St. Francis Magazine, 8(1), 52-66.
Jean-Louis, D., & Klamer, J. (2016). From aid to trade: How aid organisations, businesses, and governments can work together: Lessons learned from Haiti. Ashland, OH: Fresh Strategy Press.
John Paul II, Pope. (1991). Centesimus annus: Encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II on the hundredth anniversary of Rerum novarum.
Johnson, C. N. (2003). Toward a marketplace missiology. Missiology: An international review, 31(1), 87-97.
Johnson, C. N. (2009). Business as mission: A complete guide to theory and practice. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
Johnson, C. N. (2022). Business as mission in a nutshell—All the basics: The essential road map for Christian entrepreneurs. Pagosa Springs, CO: Roadrunner Press.
Johnson, C. N., & Rundle, S. (2006.) The distinctives and challenges of business as mission. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 19-36). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Kaestner, H., Great, J.D., & Ingram, C. (2021). Faith driven entrepreneur: What it takes to step into your purpose and pursue your God-given call to create. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum.
Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York, NY: Dutton.
Kerr, Robbie and Murray Bennett. (2012). BAM – Searching for the blue ocean of church planting and business impact. St. Francis Magazine, 8(1), 1-15.
Knapp, J. (2011). How the Church fails businesspeople. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Lai, P. (1998). Starting a business in a restricted access nation: International journal of frontier missions, 15(1), 41-46.
Lai, P. (2003). Problems and solutions for enhancing the effectiveness of tentmakers doing church planting in the 10/40 window. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Asia Graduate School of Theology, Quezon City, Philippines.
Lai, P. (2005). Tentmaking: Business as mission. Colorado Springs, CO: Authentic Media.
Lai, P. (2015). Business for transformation: Getting started. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Lai, P. (2021). Workship: Recalibrate work and worship. OPEN Worldwide Publishing.
Leo XIII, Pope. (1891). Rerum novarum: Encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII on the conditions of labor.
Little, C. (2014) Business as mission under scrutiny. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 49(2), 177-185.
Little, J. (2009). Merchant to Romania: Business as missions in post-communist Eastern Europe. Day One Publications.
Livingstone, G. (1994). Tentmaker’s credibility. Evangelical missions quarterly, 30(1), 6.
Ma, E. Z. (2024). Business as ministry in the US rural Midwest for the common good. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 10.
Malone, Kelly (2014) Broadening the tent: Expanding the strategic use of tent-making in cross-cultural mission. Missiology: An International Review, 42(2): 195-206.
Mangalwadi, V., & Mangalwadi, R. (1999). The legacy of William Carey: A model for the transformation of a culture. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Markiewicz, M. (1999). Business as mission: How two grocers changed the course of a nation [Conference presentation]. Central Asia Business Consultation.
Marshall, R. S. (2011). Conceptualizing the international for-profit social entrepreneur. Journal of business ethics, 98,183-198.
Martin, D. (1997). The place of the local church in tentmaking. International journal of frontier missions, 14(3), 131-132.
McLoughlin, M. (2000). Back to the future of missions: The case for marketplace ministry. Vocatio, 1-6.
McNeil, Melanie (2012). Crisis in a BAM enterprise and the mission agency. St. Francis Magazine, 8(1), 22-32.
Miles, T. (2013). 7 reasons tentmaking businesses fail and how to overcome them: Lessons learned in business as mission. Kindle e-book.
Miller, D. (2007). God at work: The history and promise of the faith at work movement. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Mills, P., & Schluter, M. (2012.) After capitalism: Rethinking economic relationships. Cambridge: Jubiliee Centre
Mordomo, J. (2006). Unleashing the Brazilian missionary force. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 219-39). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Mordomo, J. (2014). An integrative study of doxological metanarrative, mission, motivation and mechanism. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 2.
Mordomo, J. (2024) Back to the future: The evolution of business as mission: A current overview and analysis [Conference paper]. International Business as Mission Alliance, Seoul, South Korea.
Moreau, A. Scott and Mike O’Rear. (2007). Business as mission resources. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 42(3): 380-386.
Morris, R. (1998). Shrewd yet innocent: Thoughts on tentmaking integrity. International journal of frontier missions, 15(1), 5-8.
Moyo, D. (2009). Dead aid: why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. New York: Farrar.
Myers, B. (2011). Walking with the poor: Principles and practices of transformational development. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Name Withheld (2011). Business as mission: The effective use of tentmaking in North Africa. Ph.D. diss., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Nichols, J. (2010). Salience of faith: The Role of religious values and practices on strategic decision-making of Christian business owners. Doctoral dissertation, Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana.
Nordstrom, D., & Nielsen J. (1998). How business is integral to tentmaking. International journal of frontier missions, 15(1), 15-18.
Norrish, H. (1990). Lone ranger: Yes or no? Evangelical missions quarterly, 26: 6-14.
Novak, M. (1996). Business as a calling: Work and the examined life. New York: The Free Press.
Owens, H. (2006). Nestorian merchant missionaries and today’s unreached people groups. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp.133-146). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Packer, J. (1990). The Christian’s purpose in business. In Chewning, Richard C. (Ed.) Biblical principles and business: The practice (pp. 16-25) Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
Pani, DD (2006). North India’s need? A new expatriate breed. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 147-65). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Pedersen, E. (2006). Making corporate social responsibility (CSR) operable: How companies translate stakeholder dialogue into practice. Business and society review, 111(2), 137-163.
Plummer, J. (2019). Business as mission and the global workplace [Advance paper]. Global Workplace Forum, Lausanne Movement, Manilla, Philippines.
Plummer, J. (2020). Business as mission: A decade on from Tokyo 2010 [Celebration paper]. Global Great Commission Network.
Plummer, J., & Tunehag, M. (2020). A growing global movement: Business as mission. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 56(1), 32-24.
Pointer, S. & Cooper, M. (2006). Seventeenth century puritan missions: Some implications for business as mission. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp.167-180). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Quattro, S.A. (2012). Is business as mission a flawed concept? A reformed Christian perspective on the BAM movement. The Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 15(1), 80-87.
Reed-Thomson, R. (2020), Justice and righteousness for creation. Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 9.
Rennstich, K. (1978.) Mission and Economic Development. Translated by R. T. Johnson. Munich, Germany: Kaiser Verlag.
Roche, B., & Jakub, J. (2017). Completing capitalism: heal business to heal the world. San Francisco: Barrett-Koehler Publishers.
Rotheroe, N., & Richards, A. (2007). Social return on investment and social enterprise: Transparent accountability for sustainable development. Social enterprise journal, 3(1), 31-48.
Rundle, S. (2000). Ministry, profits, and the schizophrenic tentmaker. Evangelical missions quarterly, 36(3), 292-300.
Rundle, S. (2000). The Christian business scholar and the great commission: A proposal for expanding the agenda. Journal of biblical integration in business, 94-108.
Rundle, S. (2003). Preparing the next generation of kingdom entrepreneurs. In T. Yamamori & K. Eldred (Eds.), On kingdom business: Transforming world mission through kingdom entrepreneurs (pp. 225-244). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Rundle, S. (2004). Corporate social responsibility in a globalizing world: What’s a Christian executive to do? Business and professional ethics journal, 23(4), 171-183.
Rundle, S. (2009). Restoring the role of business in mission. In Winter, R. D. and S. C. Hawthorne (Eds.) Perspectives on the world Christian movement. Fourth Edition (757-763). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Rundle, S. (2012). Business as mission hybrids: A review and research agenda. Journal of biblical integration in business,15(1), 66-79.
Rundle, S. (2014). Does donor support help or hinder BAM practitioners? An empirical assessment. International bulletin of missionary research, 38(1), 21-26.
Rundle, S. & Steffen, T. (2011). Great commission companies: The Emerging role of business in missions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Rundle, S. & Sudyk, T. (2007). Funding a kingdom company. Evangelical missions quarterly, 43(4), 442-448.
Russell, M. (2006). The biblical basis for the integration of business and missions. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 117-131). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Russell, M. (2008). The use of business in missions in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky.
Russell, M. (2010). The missional entrepreneur: Principles and practices for business as mission. Birmingham, AL: New Hope Publishing.
Russell, S., Hausman, C., and Vinateri S. (2006). Suits and sandals: Making business as mission work. In T. Steffen & M. Barnett (Eds), Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered (pp. 291-304). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Scott, A. (2016). Scatter: Go therefore and take your job with you. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers.
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Sedlacek, T. (2011). Economics of good and evil: The quest for economic meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Seebeck, D. & Stoner T. (2009). My business, my mission. Grand Rapids, MI: Partners Worldwide.
Shaker, T. (2007). Reducing the distinct commercial risks inherent in BAM: The Tahiti Springs case study. St. Francis Magazine, 3(3), 1-15.
Sharp, L. (2011). Integrating a business as mission focus into a traditional mission agency. Missio Nexus.
Sharp, L. (2022). Missions disrupted: From professional missionaries to missional professionals. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
Siemens, R. (1998). Why did Paul make tents? A biblical basis for tentmaking. GO Paper A-1.
Silvoso, E. (2002). Anointed for business: How to use your influence in the marketplace to change the world. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.
Simmons, D. (2022). The steward investor: Investing God’s Resources for Eternal Impact. Collierville, TN: Innovo Publishing.
Smith, P., & Thurman, E. (2007). A billion bootstraps: Microcredit, barefoot banking, and the business solution for ending poverty. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Spear, R. (2006). Social entrepreneurship: A different model? International journal of social economics, 33(5/6), 399-410.
Steffen, T., & Barnett, M. (Eds.). (2006). Business as mission: From impoverished to empowered. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Stevens, R. P. (1999). The other six days: Vocation, work, and ministry in biblical perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Stevens, R. P. (2001). The marketplace: Mission field or mission? Crux, 37(3), 7-16.
Stevens, R. P. (2006). Doing God’s business: Meaning and motivation for the marketplace. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Suter, H., & Gmur, M. (1997). Business power for God’s purpose. Greng, Switzerland: VKG Publishing.
Swarr, B., & Nordstrom, D. (1999). Transform the world: Biblical vision and purpose for business. The Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.
Taylor, G. (1998). Don’t call me a tentmaker. International journal of frontier missions, 15(1), 23-26.
Taylor, W, & Ekstrom B. (Eds.) (2009). The business as mission manifesto. Connections 8(2), 43.
Tewell, T. K. (2003). Ministering to the business community. Theology Today, 60(3), 344-356.
Tongoi, D. (2009). The challenges and opportunities for business as mission: A perspective from Africa. Connections, 8(2), 1-3.
Tongoi, D. (2016). Business as mission and mission as business: Case studies of financially sustainable Christian mission ventures with a focus on Anglican dioceses in East Africa” (2016). Business as Mission Theses and Dissertations. 3.
Townsend, D., & Hart, T. (2008). Perceived institutional ambiguity and the choice of organizational form in social entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, 685-700.
Tunehag, M. (2008). God means business! An introduction to business as mission. Mats Tunehag.
Tunehag, M. (2008). A global overview of the business as mission movement: Needs and gaps. Mats Tunehag.
Tunehag, M. (2009). The mission of business: CSR+. Mats Tunehag.
Tunehag, M. (2023). Know your BAM A – Z. Mats Tunehag.
Tunehag, M., McGee, W., & Plummer, J. (2005). Business as mission. [Occasional paper] Lausanne 59.
Turnbull, R. (2016). Quaker capitalism: Lessons for today. Oxford: Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics.
Van Duzer, J. (2010). Why business matters to God (and what still needs to be fixed). Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
Vickers, I. (2010). Social enterprise and the environment: A review of the literature. Working Paper 22, Third Sector Research Centre.
Westaway, K. (2011). New legal structures for ‘social entrepreneurs’. Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2011.
Willard, D. (2019). Called to business: God’s way of loving people through business and the professions. Dallas Willard Ministries.
Wilson, Jr., & Wilson, C. (1979). Today’s tentmakers. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale Publishing Co.
Wong, S. and Rae, S. (2011). Business for the common good: A Christian vision for the marketplace. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
Wright, D. (2013). How God makes the world a better place: A Wesleyan primer on faith, work, and economic transformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian’s Library Press.
Yamamori, T. & Eldred, K. (Eds.). (2003). On kingdom business: Transforming mission through entrepreneurial strategies. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Yamamori, T. (1987). God’s new envoys: A bold strategy for penetrating closed countries. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
Yamamori, T. (1993). Penetrating missions’ final frontier: A new strategy for unreached peoples. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Yunus, M., & Weber, K. (2007). Creating a world without poverty: Social business and the future of capitalism. New York: Public Affairs.
Yunus, M., Moingeon, B., & Lehmann-Ortega, L. (2010). Building social business models: Lessons from the Grameen experience. Long Range Planning, 43, 308-325.
The purpose of this BAM Bibliography is to serve as a resource for scholars and practitioners on the topic of business as mission. This ‘living bibliography’ is hosted on the Business as Mission Resource Library, having been built from an original published biography by Dr. Steve Rundle.
This bibliography includes relevant and noteworthy publications in the areas of social enterprise, business as mission and ‘tentmaking’. To keep things manageable and focused, it does not survey the vast field of literature related to faith and economics, faith and work, or faith and business ethics. Those interested in such topics are encouraged to look at the Work and Faith Collection of The Center for Faithful Business as Seattle Pacific University at and the Faith and Work Bibliography of the Mockler Center for Faith and Ethics in the Workplace Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary at
Last updated: November 2024