Business as Mission: A Perspective from Africa [Video]

Dennis Tongoi speaks about the opportunities for Business as Mission in the continent of Africa.

This video was recorded at the BAM Global Congress in April 2013.

dennis tongoi 200Dennis Tongoi
is the International Director for CMS-Africa and serves on the Advisory Board of BAM Global. He is author of “Mixing God with Money: Strategies for Living in an Uncertain Economy”. He recently received his Doctorate with his thesis on “Business as Mission: Case studies on Sustainable Mission in East Africa”.


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BAM is a global phenomenon. God is on the move around the world, calling men and women from all continents to start businesses for His Kingdom purposes. To highlight just some of what He is doing, and emphasise that business as mission is a global movement, we will take a tour around the BAM world for the next six weeks or so. We hope you enjoy the trip!