A Thread in a Tapestry: How God has Woven Us into His Story
Our individual stories are like the “threads in the tapestry”…
BAM Out of Brokenness: An Easter Reflection
Today is Good Friday*. A day absolutely central to the gospel…
Pray More and Pray More Intentionally
by Dave Kahle
How do I Integrate my Christian faith…
Prayer is Central to BAM: We are the Branches!
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and…
A Business as Mission Crisis: How Can We Pray?
by Larry Sharp
During these days of uncertainty due to the worldwide…
The Coronavirus Pandemic and BAM: Seven Things We Can Do
by Mats Tunehag
The effects of the coronavirus are disruptive…
Three Practical Steps to Experiencing the Spiritual Potential of Your Business
by Dave Kahle
Almost every Christian businessperson has a sense…
How We Built Consistent, Committed Prayer into our Company
A classic from our 'Ask a BAM Mentor' Archive
What is Success? Advancing Spiritual Impact in BAM
by Tom
It is easy to be confused by how success in business…
Team BAM: Legacy & Looking Ahead
By Joyce Ahn
The following is a summary of a lecture given…
Are We Drifting? The Dangers of Secularization for a BAM Company
by David Skews
The Problem
While we can talk about the dangers…
7 Prayer Habits of Highly Effective People
We asked 15 business people leading Kingdom-building companies…
Building Prayer Into the Foundation of Your Business
by Dave Kahle
One of the characteristics that distinguish a…
9 Strategies to Fortify Your BAM Team Against Spiritual Attack
Every business has its challenges, but BAM businesses face unique…
7 Prayer Habits of Highly Effective People
We asked BAM practitioners what prayer habits, practices…
Prayer Ideas and Resources for Business People
The Institute of Faith, Work and Economics recently shared 5…
How We Built Consistent, Committed Prayer into our Company
Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…
7 Prayer Habits of Highly Effective People: Part 2
We asked BAM practitioners what prayer habits, practices or experiences…
7 Prayer Habits of Highly Effective People: Part 1
We asked BAM practitioners what prayer habits, practices or experiences…
How Prayer Can Shape a Business
How does prayer and direction from God shape a business? What…
Helpful Prayer Habits from a 27 Year BAM Journey
Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…
How to Pray: Practical Guidelines for a BAM Company
by David Skews
Business as mission is far more than business…
3 Types of Prayer for the Business Context
Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…
Prayer in the Business: We are the Branches
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and…
Pray, Give or Go to Nepal? Pray for BAM Companies!
The Church worldwide has been mobilized to pray and give generously…