5 Principles Learned from a BAM Journey: Matt’s Story

by Larry Sharp

This past month we have been featuring stories from Larry Sharp. Larry’s new book ‘Mission Disrupted: From Professional Missionaries to Missionary Professionals’ tells 27 stories and is out now!

Matt lives in a crowded city in Asia’s largest country where his business demands a driver to take him from place to place. Naturally he has become close friends with the driver, Wang Wei who had plenty of opportunities to observe Matt’s family and he saw something quite different from what he was used to, and he wanted that for his family too. He kept watching and then began talking to Matt about what he was seeing. There were plenty of conversations before Wang Wei became a true follower of Jesus. Matt now is privileged to disciple him in his new life in Christ.

I had visited a mid-sized business in this same country some years ago and observed how God had used Matt to help a business flourish with clear Quadruple Bottom line results.  He returned to his home country to complete an MBA and renew his interest and experience in property sales and management. I knew that he would be a success in this new endeavor so my conversation with him turned to questions related to his journey, his driving passion, and how he got to where he was in his faith-work understanding and in the integration of his mission in life with workplace success.

During that conversation he shared five noteworthy principles:

1. Spend Time with God-Fearing People in Church, Family and Community

Matt is a multi-talented guy with various skills. He had learned another language and he had lived in another culture. And he wanted to make a difference for God in the world, so he asked people to pray with and for him. As he talked with family and friends, an opportunity opened to work overseas, and they advised him to move in that direction. And he did.

2. Look for People to be your Mentors

He knew what a mentor was — a person who encourages another and provides a model that stretches one toward a higher level, empowering the mentee with their positive influence – and he knew that everyone needs a mentor. He cited a mentor after college and another two mentors in Asia. From these people he learned to depend on God, the important skill of listening, plus the value of relationships.

3. Find Ways to Serve and Even Mentor Others

While working in a large western city he decided to get involved with immigrants in his city. He learned about non-Christian religions and talked about spiritual things with them. Even years later in the story cited above, Wang Wei was one of those he was mentoring.

4. Keep Flexible and be Willing to Learn

Matt reflected with me on the various jobs he has had as a “job taker”. There he learned to be under authority and demonstrate kingdom values such as faithfulness, timeliness, respect, excellence, encouragement, etc. But he has also been a “job maker” managing more than one hundred people in another language. He did so with a servant’s heart and learned how to empower them and provide familial help, love, care and many more kingdom values.

5. Open Your Eyes to Human Need and Do Something About it

While on a business trip in his Asian country Matt learned of a ministry to survivors of human trafficking. As an entrepreneur he knew where he could be of help and he set about helping to start a business as a means to restore survivors, helping them find hope through their job. He also helps fight human trafficking with his business profits. He saw a need and did something about it.

I came away from talking to Matt dreaming of the same involvement for all young people entering their careers in the marketplace. Most will enter the job market seeking to integrate their faith with their work and following these principles will be of help in their pursuits.

More about this story and many others can be read in the book Mission Disrupted: From Professional Missionaries to Missionary Professionals, see below.

Larry Sharp is the Founder and current Director of Strategic Training and Partnerships of a Business for Transformation (BAM, B4t) consulting firm, International Business and Education Consultants (www.ibecventures.com). Larry served 21 years in Brazil and then 20 years as Crossworld VP of Operations and as Vice President of Business Partnerships. He is currently a VP Emeritus and consultant with Crossworld. Since 2007 he has devoted energies toward Business as Mission (BAM) and currently is a consultant on BAM and education themes. Larry travels within North America speaking and teaching in conferences, colleges and churches on themes related to Business As Mission (BAM, B4t) and missions.  His travels abroad relate to BAM, crisis preparation and management, and team building. 


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