Building Prayer Into the Foundation of Your Business

by Dave Kahle One of the characteristics that distinguish a…

9 Strategies to Fortify Your BAM Team Against Spiritual Attack

Every business has its challenges, but BAM businesses face unique…

7 Fruitful Practices for BAM and Church Planting

BAM companies are usually very diverse, each business with its…

What’s My Role in BAM? Discovering Where You Fit in the BAM Movement

The Business as Mission (BAM) Movement is rapidly gaining momentum.…

How Agriculture Ends Poverty: 
3 Discoveries About What Works

by Roxanne Addink DeGraaf Growing up in Iowa, the agricultural…

A Powerful Role: How Business Fights Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the biggest travesties in our world…

Get Started Growing: Maximizing Startup Success

by Stu Minshew On the theme of 'maximizing BAM success factors'…

Finding the Right Business Model or Being the Right Business Leader?

by Dave Kahle “Is there one business model that you would…

Wealth Creation for Holistic Transformation

by Mats Tunehag “Remember the LORD your God, for it is he…