The BAM Guide to Finding Good Legal and Tax Advice

Following on from our series on BAM in Hard Places, we are delving…

Day to Day Life in Hostile Places: Doing Business in Central Asia

The challenges to doing business here are many. The market is…

Day to Day Life in Hostile Places: Doing Business in North Africa

How do you do business in a country that your home country says…

After the Tsunami: Business on the Edge

Little did James know just how strategically God had placed him…

Guidelines for Cross-Cultural Business Ethics

By Larry Sharp This article is designed to help with decision…

Education and Identity: Managing Connections to Christian Networks

Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…

Pragmatic and Prophetic: Managing Connections to Christian Networks

Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…

BAM Job Opportunities in Asia and Africa

BAM Company Jobs Project Manager – Software Development Company…

7 Internet and Email Security Tips for BAM Practitioners

1. Basics Do the absolute basics of making sure you have a reputable:…

14 Best Practices for Managing the Risk of BAM in Hard Places

Taking a multidisciplinary approach and drawing upon a variety…

Four Personal Experiences of BAM in Hard Places

The BAM Global Think Tank Report on BAM in Hostile Environments…

BAM in Hard Places: The Challenge of Business in Hostile Environments

BAM ventures are one of the innovative ways that we are called…

Starting Lean: Soft Launches Help Avoid Hard Landings

by Mike Baer Adapted from material developed for a Third Path…