Friday Links: Posts and Resources on Faith at Work
Every Friday we connect you with some of our recent favourite links. This week:
Posts and resources from the marketplace ministries movement.
We hope you have a joyous Easter celebration!
What Christ’s Resurrection Means for How we Live and Work – Institute for Faith, Work and Economics
Does our earthly work matter to God? Yes it does, replies Darrell Cosden in his book The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work. Central to his argument is the bodily resurrection of Jesus, which the church celebrates this Easter. Cosden correctly asserts that Christ’s resurrection means three things for how we live and work in the world. 1. Christ’s Resurrection Affirms the Goodness of the Material World. God made us in his image, but we were made to be physical images as well. Our physicality isn’t a result of the Fall. We were created that way.
An Easter Prayer: Resurrection, Jobs and Denver’s Business Community – Faithventure Forum
I was asked to pray for jobs and businesses this Easter Sunday at Denver’s City Park Sunrise service. While searching the web, I discovered there are no prayers addressing this particular topic for any city which is surprising to me. It’s something that is much needed in light of what Jesus’ resurrection means for our world.
5 Principles for Spiritual Discernment in the Economic Order – Acton Institute
How does the Gospel transform our hearts and minds and how does that process transform our economic action? How do we make sure we’re putting obedience before sacrifice in all that we do? How do we hear the Holy Spirit minute-by-minute, day-by-day, and how does that impact the ideas we have, the products we conceive, the prices we set, the relationships we build, and the trades and investments we make?
Are Entrepreneurship and Risk-Taking at Odds with Biblical Stewardship? – Institute for Faith, Work and Economics
“It is right to risk for the cause of God.” So begins a sermon by John Piper on the topic of risk. If you’re a Christian entrepreneur and you believe your work contributes to the cause of flourishing that God desires for his creation, you might find yourself asking about the biblical perspective on risk. You know from experience that risk is inseparable from entrepreneurship. There’s always the chance that whatever new venture you’re pursuing might fail. Vision and perseverance in the face of risk are essential traits every entrepreneur needs. Yet you also desire to be a good steward of the resources God has given you. You want to use your monetary, physical, and natural resources wisely. You want to spend your time effectively, and you want to employ your talent towards success. You believe all these things are your responsibility.
Free eBook: Calling: A Biblical Perspective – Theology of Work Project
Calling, or vocation, is the single most popular topic in the theology of work. When people ponder how their faith relates to their work, their first question is often, “What kind of work is God calling me to?” We spend more time at work—whether paid or unpaid— than any other waking activity. If God cares about our lives, he must care about our work, unless he intends to ignore the biggest part of our lives. Calling, therefore, is one of the most practical topics in the theology of work. If you understand God’s calling, it helps you live life more fully and follow Christ more ably every day of the week.
Image via IFWE