5 Resources to Jumpstart Your Business Planning Process

You may have a business idea but are feeling a bit lost on what to do next. Creating a business plan is a great way to get started. There are loads of useful tools and articles to read as you walk through this process. Here are a few to help you get started crafting a great plan:

The 6 Key Components Of Writing A Business Plan – Forbes
Sometimes entrepreneurs create business plans just to tell their investors they have one. Instead you need to think critically about how your business will work so you have good answers for yourself and your stakeholders.

A Standard Business Plan Outline – Bplans
It’s not exciting or flashy but this outline covers all the bases you need when putting your plan together. You can look at the brief descriptions as well as drill down into detailed explanation for each component.

8 Simple Business Plan Templates for Entrepreneurs – Business News Daily
If you need more than an outline, this resource offers several different templates and tools. It’s easy to overcomplicate things when planning, but a simple tool can keep you on track and answering the right questions.

Expert Advice: 10 Tips to Craft a Strong Business Plan – Entrepreneur
Take your business plan to the next level by walking it through these 10 tips to strengthen the plan for yourself and potential investors. It won’t help you create a bulletproof plan (because there’s no such thing), but it will help you identify any big gaps.

Skip the Boring Business Plan. Focus on This Strategy Instead. – Entrepreneur
Everyone should have a business plan, but the reality is things are going to change quickly once you begin to execute the plan. The “Lean Canvas” could be a useful alternative and also give you an “internal working plan” to guide your daily decisions.

Needing direction on how to integrate a spiritual impact plan? Click Here

Have a resource to suggest? Post it below in the comments.

Compiled by Evan McCall