BAM Job Opportunities
BAM Company Jobs
Business As Mission Resource Team Internship…
Every Man is as Lazy as He Dares to Be
by Patrick Lai
Every man is as lazy as he dares to be. -…
Inviting Others To Not Be Sheepish
by Patrick Lai
John Piper writes, "For much of my Christian…
Business as Mission: An Expression of Biblical Integrity
by Mike Baer
The word “integrity” has been bandied about…
Is Business As Mission Disruptive Innovation?
by Larry Sharp
A disruptive innovation is an innovation that…
Are You Really a Second-Class Christian?
by Dave Kahle
For much of my Christian life, I've struggled…
Consequences of the ‘Business as Money-Giver’ Mentality
by Dave Kahle
“Our business should just make money so that…