Sabbath Rest and Celebration in the Life of a BAM Practitioner

by Bill J. In Hebrews 4 we read, “So then there remains a…

Is Your Work and Life in Balance? The BAM Balancing Act

by Patrick Lai Ideally, every BAMer or B4Ter wants a perfect…

Why Do BAMers Give Up & Go Home? The Top 4 Reasons for BAM Attrition

We asked seven BAM mentors to share the reasons for BAMer attrition…

BAM Endurance: Principles and Habits for Long-term Fruitfulness

One of the foundations of business as mission is that the company…

6 Ways BAM Can and Should Make a Difference to Refugees and Migrants

by Jo Plummer One of the goals of our global BAM network is…

Business Fights Poverty: Moving Beyond Charity to Job Creation

by Peter Greer Excerpts from eBook 'Stop Helping Us!' reproduced…

Slavery in Global Supply Chains: The Role of BAM in Finding Solutions

by James McHaffie Modern slavery has been a major and growing…

Unleashing the Church to Disciple Marketplace Leaders

by Dr. Phil Walker and Renita Reed-Thomson There is a story…