The Lost Will be Won in Their Heart Language: Business, Church Planting and Language Acquisition

Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…

The Importance of Language Skills for BAM and Church Planting

Once a month, our panel of mentors answer your practical business…

Getting Out, Getting In, Staying In, Sinking In: Church Planting and Business Today

by João Mordomo Last week in Part 1 I looked at Paul’s exploits…

Business and Church Planting: Made for Each Other!

by João Mordomo In recent years, many people have begun to…

How Not to Be Weird: Living Lives That Make Sense

by Patrick Lai When we first started working with Muslims we…

Why Integrate Business and Church Planting?

There are some good reasons to combine business and church planting.…

4 Resources to Help You Decide What to Measure

BAM companies have a lot to learn from the social enterprise…

Lessons from the Edge: Ingredients for Sustainable Success

Insights from a BAM Practitioner  ‘Andrew' was in business…

Apples to Apples: Measuring Progress Across an Organisation

We interviewed Timothy, a consultant with a mission sending organisation…

Getting Started: Essential Metrics for your BAM Company

Every business is unique, metrics need to be tailored to the…
Stories- Forever-Crystals

Forever Crystals: A Missional Business with Latin Flair

'Every Crystal Has a Story', is the tag line of Forever Crystals.…