The Stone Table

Courses & Training: The Stone Table

Missional Marketplace Course & BAM Resources

Online Course, Articles & Weekly Newsletter

The Stone Table is a global missions organization rooted in the marketplace. We leverage the profits from our marketplace businesses to fund strategic global missions projects around the world. We also equip and encourage marketplace Christians to engage the Great Commission through books, seminars, online resources, and our business incubator program.

Missional Marketplace is a 7-module online course exploring the role of the marketplace in God’s Kingdom mission in the world. You will learn about the role of everyday work in God’s original design, deepen your theological understanding of the marketplace, and reimagine business as a daily opportunity to honor God, love your neighbor, and proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed to the ends of the earth.

BAM Internships: If you want to invest your marketplace skills or passions in the Great Commission, business as missions (BAM) is probably for you. The BAM internship program includes a variety of locations across various nations each with unique skills needs. These are some of our best BAMs that are doing incredible work to bring the love of Christ to unreached people groups.

Plus: Articles, Weekly Newsletter, Church-based Seminar, Coaching & Incubation