Business As A Holy Calling?

A Workbook for Christians in Business and Their Pastors

Tim A. Dearborn

Business can be as much Christian ministry as preaching, teaching Sunday School, or volunteering in a food bank. Tragically, the Church has tended to value businessperson’s volunteer time more than their professional life. This workbook guides a discussion between businesspersons and their pastors to explore God’s purposes for business. It is designed for use by individuals and small groups, including personal reflection and group discussion questions. It will contribute to a new reformation in our understanding of lay ministry–not lay persons volunteering in church work–but lay persons participating in the coming of God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Business isn’t “automatically” a “holy calling.” There is a “question mark” attached to the phrase. It can become one when God’s multiple purposes in addition to profit and making an income are fulfilled. Businesspersons can work with joy and fulfillment when they know that their work is contributing to other people and all of creation flourishing.