BAM Global Movement

Business as Mission Concept & Stories

Gea Gort and Mats Tunehag

1 April 2018

Hendrickson Publishers

Business as Mission (BAM) is a growing global movement. Christians active in the arena of business, charity and church are on a journey to integrate business and holistic mission. But what exactly is BAM? In the book, Gea Gort and Mats Tunehag explain the BAM concept through theory and theology, with stories to show what it looks like in real life. The authors explain that Business as Mission is an expression of a much broader movement. Ideas regarding mission, church, and charity are shifting, and growing number of christians are aiming for a missional way of living out the whole incarnated gospel in their daily lives where they work and live. The inspiring stories of thirty practitioners active on all continents provide insight into how gospel shalon can be shared in innovative and practical ways in challenging settings: in developing nations, secularized Western cities, or even closed countries. This book will not only capture your mind and heart as you learn about Business as Mission in theory and praxis, but it will also give you a broad overview of this remarkable movement. This book provides insight into this global movement and is of interest for a broad range of people: pioneers, early adapters and leaders within church, mission, and business, but also for Bible schools and universities.

“Thankfully, there are now many authors who have written on the theology of business and its importance in God’s kingdom. However, the variety of examples and stories in this book truly bring it to life in a way that is clear and compelling. It is time that God’s purpose for business becomes a global movement!” Bonnie P. Wurzbacher, Former Senior Vice President, The Coca-Cola Company, Chief Resource Development Officer, World Vision International

“This is BAM at its best, TED Talk style. Topics are discussed briefly and then followed by practical cases studies that most any church or organization can identify with. These stories show that there is not only one way of doing BAM or running one kind of BAM business. If you read the book just for the case studies, it would be worth the price. If anyone still questions the importance of business as mission in reaching the world and value of integrating faith and work, read this book!” —Patrick Lai, OPEN Network