BAM Thesis & Dissertation Repository

Article & Paper Repository

Hosted by Taylor University

Taylor University (TU) is dedicated to developing servant leaders marked with a passion to minister Christ’s redemptive love and truth to a world in need. To this end, the TU Business Department supports the aspirations of the BAM and B4T philosophies by engaging students and faculty in relevant business theory, application and service-learning opportunities. The end goal is to produce graduates who will engage their gifts, talents and passions to bring positive change to the world. Additionally, the TU Business Department sees itself as a catalyst for networking and collaboration between students and faculty from around the world to produce research and application work that supports its students, the BAM movement and adds to the body of knowledge.

This thesis and dissertation repository is intended to make the academic work of students and faculty easier to find and more available to the growing body of BAM adherents. Only completed and accepted theses and dissertations with a distinct BAM-orientation may be posted in this repository. In keeping with the mission and goals of the BAM/B4T movement and TU Business Department, the purposes of the Taylor University Theses and Dissertations Repository are:

  • To provide a forum for masters and doctoral level students to publish original research.
  • To encourage academia to be active in BAM/B4T.
  • To provide students, academics and practitioners with access to beneficial resource material intended to inform good practice.
  • To stimulate theoretical and applied research in BAM/B4T.
  • To promote the ideals of BAM and B4T.