The Mission of Teaching Business
The Mission of Teaching Business Course
Sebastian Vaduva
Type of Training
Online Course
Additional Information: The Mission of Teaching Business offers a Biblical and practical framework for business education and mentoring based on the international experience of Dr. Sebastian Văduva, MBA, Ph.D., and his colleagues at Griffiths School of Management & IT within the Emanuel University of Oradea, Romania. The online course is intended for Christian businesspeople looking for a ministry opportunity, but also for mission pastors looking to equip their businesspeople.
How is this course helping you:
– 3 hours of quality content
Dr. Sebastian Vaduva, MBA will be your instructor and he will lead you through what are the biblical basis for business and education and how you can use teaching business to make disciples
– practical solutions from personal experience
The course has been built on our experience over 20 years, where we have seen people, organizations, and communities transformed by Biblical business principles.
– free resources and materials recommendations
We prepared a large selection of resources on our website that can help you teach and mentor others. Also, throughout the online course are recommended books for a more in-depth study.