Feast Over Famine
Type of Training
For-Profit, Non-Profit and Social Enterprise Support
Feast Over Famine began with a trip to India in 2011 and has culminated over nearly 10 years into what it is today. We’ve spent those 10 years learning, exploring, and wrestling with how we can use a high level of business acumen to solve the biggest challenges we face as a global society.
Progressing Social Enterprise
Feast Over Famine has spent years navigating and serving in the For-Profit, Non-Profit and Social Enterprise sectors. As we have wrestled with the tensions of profit and mission over this time, we have developed several models, theories, and philosophies on how we can best navigate this space. We definitely do not have all of the answers to this puzzle, but we are hoping to do our part.
We define Social Enterprise as a utilization of the global economic marketplace for social good. Although definitions vary, we work across the Social Enterprise, Business for Transformation (B4T), and Business As Mission (BAM) sectors.
We view Social Enterprise as an opportunity to blend the best that the For-Profit and Non-Profit worlds have to offer. We want to see the heart and impact of the Non-Profit sector thrive. We also desire to see the organizational management and fiscal self-sustainability of the For-Profit world to have its impact on the servant-hearted world.