Business For Movements


The topic “Business For Movements ” encompasses a great variety of activities, concepts and approaches that all have one thing in common: The idea that business is a great way to further the gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples, plant churches and help movements.

As much as business was part of Jesus His life and the early church growth it has once again become an effective tool in today’s mission world. It is rapidly growing and is one of the primary ways to reach those who would never be reached otherwise.

Nations can be discipled through the transformation power of God through businesses through the following means:

  • Business, when done well, can have a social and spiritual impact in the community
  • Business will have an economic impact through providing jobs for people
  • Business open doors that are closed to the gospel
  • Business develops character and integrity
  • Financial resources for missions are limited and business can help to fund the Great Commission
  • Business opens doors for relationships building in customers, employees, suppliers, partners, community