Recruiting, Training, and Deployment (RTD) of BAM Practitioners
Successes and Challenges
BAM Global Think Tank
July 2015
Published by
BAM Global Reports
Executive Summary
The BAM Recruiting, Training, and Deployment (RTD) Issue Group of the BAM Global
Think Tank attempted to listen to BAM practitioners’ experiences of recruiting, training and
deployment and learn from them. The aim was to understand how we can be more
effective in the areas of: recruiting people for BAM, training practitioners before and after
they start-up; and the structures or processes that can ensure successful deployment.
Research methodology included focus groups involving BAM practitioners as well as
business and mission leaders, an online anonymous survey, follow-up in-depth interviews
to provide additional qualitative information and a literature review. Each phase of our
research attempted to understand how well the “quadruple bottom line” of BAM theory is
being achieved by BAM practitioners.
The RTD group began by attempting to understand the key character traits that are
indicative of success for BAM practitioners. Indicators for success were evaluated from the
perspective of current BAM practitioners as well as mission and non-religious business
leaders. In addition, we attempted to identify the channels that are currently being used to
recruit BAM practitioners, as well as identify opportunities to improve BAM recruitment.
The RTD group also reviewed current training practices in the BAM movement. We
identified not only training that has been used by current BAM practitioners but the felt-
need of BAM practitioners in terms of training to improve their performance and impact.
Finally, the RTD group reviewed success factors for BAM practitioners who have already
been deployed and are serving in BAM enterprises. We also assessed whether the factors
identified as important in the recruitment and training phases of our research were
connected with the success of BAM practitioners as identified in the deployment research.
Key findings emerging from the research include:
•Most BAM practitioners in our survey sample were ‘self-recruited’, more intentional
recruiting methods and channels could be leveraged.
•Four clear themes of desirable character traits for a BAM practitioner were identified:
a. Character and spiritual maturity, b. Personal passion and resilience,
c. Entrepreneurial abilities, and d. Interpersonal abilities.
•The potential for a greater variety of BAM training resources exists, particularly
specialised on in-depth business disciplines, business opportunities within regions
and also within industries.
•The need for greater connectivity, networking and collaboration between BAM
practitioners and between BAM RTD-focused organisations.
•The particular importance of mentoring, accountability, research and prayer for the
deployment phase of BAM companies.
•Concern whether the theory of a quadruple bottom line matches practice, in terms of
a balanced approach to goal-setting, performance and accountability structures.
•There were very few examples of BAM enterprises which have clear goals or
examples of success for environmental transformation.
Although we are encouraged by the current strengths of BAM recruiting, training and
deployment in a relatively young movement, there is work to be done. Specific
recommendations for future research, collaboration and new initiatives are suggested.